
Oppie (Oppenheimer) is a purebread Australian Shepherd born July 2020 starting his life in San Diego, CA.  He left his first family in October 2023 for medical reasons beyond their control.  He came to Georgia on a visit in December 2023 with my daughter.   As with any military family, lots can change in a few months.  So the cards played out and he is staying with us in Georgia.  Several months ago, our family thought it would be great to train him as a gluten detection dog. He has been cleared to fly as a Service Dog and did very well on the plane (though, even the noise in the cabin made him a little anxious).  Aussies are quite smart and he has been easy to train so far but we are starting with an almost 4 year old dog.  Because of the unexpected events, we do not know if we will continue training gluten detection. We will continue to train him, but it may be a much slower pace.  So, we purchased some buttons and are in the process of training him.  Whew, I am having to get used to all the training nuances now.  I’ll update you on that in a later post.

Regardless, we think he has a funny personality that we would like to share how he is doing.

If you have instagram, follow him at @OppieAussie  or insta URL here.

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